Saturday, August 6


There’s a lot of activities this month. Every week must have at least one important event such as immersion with Malacca girl’s high school and SDAR. Sports day pun baru nak buat. Before the acara started, I have to take a test, Educational Assessment Australia (ICAS) just to test my mathematical knowledge and skills. It’s on the same day so I just did it. Our sports day this time are the best. Usually the tradition of bendahara, we would be the last. Out of the blue, we got not only ain’t the first from the last but the first of all four house team. Alhamdulillah dptla contribute sikit. I was the first runner for 4 x 400m and the whole team eventually managed to get the first hehe. I won’t forget this little victory eventhough it’s just among the house teams, that’s the first and the last time I got an opportunity to represent bendahara. Anyway, I'll finish this entry dgn serangkap pantun

Bulan lepas asyik busy,
Bulan Ramadhan sudah kembali;
Jangan lupa ibadah dan study,
Trial PMR hampir sekali.